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What is the difference between mobile computing and cloud computing?

What is the difference between mobile computing and cloud computing?

Rahul Rana10691 07-Nov-2019

Mobile computing and cloud computing are somewhat similar. Mobile computing uses the cloud computing concept. Cloud computing, on the other hand, provides its users with the data they need while migrating or working in mobile computing for the apps running on external server systems and gives the user access to storage and management of data.

Both cloud computing and mobile computing have to do with the use of wireless systems to send data. Furthermore, these two terms are quite different.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to the special design of new technologies and services that assent data to be sent over a distributed network, via wireless connections, to a secure external location that is typically maintained by a provider. Cloud service providers usually serve multiple clients. They control access between the customer's local or closed networks and their own data storage and data backup systems. This means that the seller can record and securely store data sent to him while providing services back to a customer through these carefully maintained connections.

read also: 9 Major Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Mobile Computing

Mobile computing related to the emergence of interfaces and new devices. Smartphones and tablets are mobile devices that can do much of what traditional desktop and laptop computers do. The features of mobile computing include Internet access through browsers, support for multiple software applications with a central operating system and the sending and receiving of different types of data.

The mobile operating system supports users as an interface through intuitive icons, trusted search technologies, and simple touchscreen commands.

While mobile computing is largely a customer-focused service, cloud computing is something that is used by many businesses. Individuals can also benefit from cloud computing, but some of the most advanced and sophisticated cloud computing services are aimed at businesses. Large companies and even smaller operations, for example, use specific cloud computing services to make various processes such as supply chain management, inventory handling, customer relationships and even production more efficient. An emerging picture of the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing includes the emergence of operating systems for smartphones and tablets and, on the cloud side, new network services that can operate these and other devices. 

If you want to know more about Cloud computing then kindly Contact Cloud Computing training in Chandigarh.

hi my name is Rahul Rana from Amritsar. basically my hometown is Uttarakhand (kotdwara). recently i worked at Cbitss technologies. Cbitss Technologies is a training institute in Chandigarh. i have a 1 years experience of SEO executive.

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